Friday, September 4, 2009

Cream Ale II

This is another favorite of pros and amateurs alike. It was one of the first beers we made and still one of the best.

Northern Brewer modified the recipe slightly, switching from Willamette to Cluster hops. We will see if it works! The first recipe is here.

Cream Ale II

Specialty Grains
.75 lbs Gambrius Honey Malt
.25 lbs Dingemans Biscuit

6 lbs Pilsen Malt Syrup

Boil Additions
1 oz Cluster (60 min)


1 comment:

Ursa said...

Kegged the creamer last night (11/23). I'm hoping it will be ready for Thanksgiving. I robbed a bit to sample the pre-carbonated flavor. It was good. Spicier than I remember (perhaps less of the mellower biscuit flavor). I'm sure this is due to the change in hops. Might be worth switching back to the Willamette..but will have to wait and see...Oh! the Anxiety!