Friday, September 4, 2009

Rasberry Wheat

Die-hard beer fans turn their noses up at wheat beers. A double nose up for the flavored wheats--generally considered amateur or pedestrian quasi-beer for folks who don't regularly like beer.

I say wheat beer is the people's beer! This recipe is too good to turn down. Here is a classic BSB recipe made famous by WK.

Rasberry Wheat

6.3 lbs Wheat Malt Syrup
1oz Hallertau (60 min)
Yeast: Wyeast #3333 German Wheat

Rasberry extract added to the bottling bucket at bottling.

Rock on, foam-face!

1 comment:

Kinko the Clown said...

Poor me a pint.
Kinko the Clown
Bindlestiff Family Cirkus